

Fashion journalist and editor of SEELE Magazine Ally Portee lets you in on some of her conversations with inspiring people from around the world in fashion, faith, entertainment, music, and entrepreneurship. Basically, these are conversations from the soulful side of life about topics that will hopefully inspire your life.

Episode 36- Cait West: Standing Up And Stepping Away From The Abuses Of The Christian Patriarchy Movement

Cait West is a writer and editor based in Grand Rapids, Michigan. She is the author of Rift: A Memoir of Breaking Away from Christian Patriarchy, a book that is profound especially in how the movement she grew up in uses God as a justification to control women.

West’s work has been published in The RevealerReligion DispatchesFourth Genre and Hawai’i Pacific Review, among others. As an advocate and a survivor of the Christian patriarchy movement, she serves on the editorial board for Tears of Eden, a nonprofit providing resources for survivors of spiritual abuse, and co-hosts the Survivors Discuss podcast.

In this episode, West opens up about her book out in May, and her journey of growing up in a movement that significantly affected her life. But, she chose for herself a new life and to step away from an unhealthy ideology that governed her life for far too long.